Southern Asia Adventist Association, Inc.


SAAA is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization, which was informally organized in 1961 by a group of Seventh-day Adventist immigrants from the countries of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) and Myanmar (formerly Burma).


We invite you to explore opportunities available to be of service; and yes, you can contact our Executive Team to share ideas and participate in leading our community and members featuring uniqueness of SAAA.

Message from Michael Osuri

The Southern Asia Adventist Association (SAAA) is where members can find an affinity for faith, family and friends; foster a sense of belonging in a new country, away from home; promote religious, cultural, social, and economic interests; create opportunities to serve in the community and country; and support
one another in common endeavors.


SAAA welcomes and provides open membership to all Seventh-day Adventists who have roots in or connections to Southern Asia by bonds of friendship, mission service or birth. We meet once a month, on the second Sabbath.

Message from Executive Committee & Board

The Southern Asia Adventist Association (SAAA) a 501(c)3 non-profit organization where members can identify and support charitable opportunities both domestic and International. Our existence conveys to our community we are available to support needs in real time. SAAA has its roots in the Seventh-day Adventists Church and its cultural beginnings in India and in neighboring countries. 

Building Fundraising

Building Project Fundraising for future Church to be built on the Burtonsville, Maryland Property. Image to the right is artist rendition. Click donate below to support this project.

Mailing Address - P.O. Box 4818, Silver Spring, MD 20914

SAAA Student Scholarships

SAAA has been a conduit for channeling tuition assistance for students at Spicer Adventist University. More can be done to provide needed education funds.

SAAA Supports APM

SAAA is Supporting General Conference of Seventh Day Adventist project related to Adventist Possibilities Ministries (APM), a life changing Minsitry!

Community Service

We are involved in supporting our community in the US and abroad. Projects include feeding the homeless, coat / food drive, and Covid-19 help.

Southern Asia Adventist Association

Established Since 1961


P.O. Box 4818, Silver Spring, MD 20914